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Legal Services and Data Protection

Access to Individual Personal Data

Do I need to submit the request in writing?

As the requester must provide proof of identification (§ 16, para. 3 IDV), the request must generally be submitted in writing by letter. The letter must include a copy of the requester’s ID.

How long does the process last?

In general, UZH grants access to an individual’s personal data within 30 days after receipt of the request. If UZH is unable to meet this deadline, it will inform the requester, indicating the reason why it is unable to meet the deadline and when a decision on the request will be available (§ 28 IDG).

Are there any costs associated with the request?

There are generally no fees for processing requests involving an individual’s own personal data (§ 29, para. 2 (b) IDG).

Weiterführende Informationen

University of Zurich

Legal Services and Data Protection

Künstlergasse 15
CH-8001 Zurich


Phone: 044 634 22 86

(9:00 to 11:30 / 14:00 to 16:30)